Beware Of Thieves


Beware Of Thieves

Beware of Thieves Once more I have had my property stolen from my backyard by some low life. I thought I had made my yard secure, what with an eight-foot gate which was bolted and padlocked to keep the thieves out but I was wrong. I have come to the conclusion that if they want it they will jolly well just take it. The theft occurred between the hours of 8.30 am and 4.00 pm on Sunday 9th Nov. 2014. My No. 1 suspects are these licensed scrap collectors who troll our streets at unearthly hours of the day, some have been reportedly been seen out and about at 5.00 am. standing on the back of their vehicles looking over high walls and gates…as they would have been, to have been able to see what was to steal from my backyard. Anyone who saw anything suspicious on the day mentioned should do their community a favor and report what they have seen here or to the police. Remember they are up to no good standing on the back of there vehicle looking into people’s backyards and gardens. The best course of action to stop these thieves is to: 1) Write down the vehicle registration number. 2) Take photos of the culprits and their vehicles 3) Video them. 4) Inform your friends who are close by to be vigilant of them. If you have had a run-in or had anything stolen from your property by these rogues please leave a comment below.