Save Our Front Street

Leadgate Front Street Image

Save Our Front Street

  The road closureIt has been 35 weeks since this sign was erected and what have we got to show for it “NOTHING” but”WORRY” Those in charge are now saying it is going to be another 12 months before completion! This is just not acceptable. The County Council needs to come up with a compensation plan for all of our Leadgate businesses who are being financially affected by these diabolical delays which have bestowed this project from the very start. Our Front Street businesses need our help to survive through this dismal time they are now enduring because of the lack of trade passing through our Village. Without our trade keeping them afloat will see most of them going to the wall. If this happens we will lose the character of the Village which our Front Street brings! Come on folks and rally round to save what we have left.

5 thoughts on “Save Our Front Street

  1. whilst accepting the County Council is under extreme pressure financially due to Govt cutbacks and they have to make huge savings, it is equally imperative that they have to prioritise their intended plans for the County. Building or repairing the odd structure is important, as is the financing of certain intended developments bur VERY FEW could be as important and as the repair of Leadgate bridge. It is not a question of traffic having to divert but more a question of KILLING LEADGATE VILLAGE. The village is populated by many elderly people, many of whom have lived there all their lives. and who do ALL of their necessary shopping in the village. The bridge closure has taken a large percentage of customers out of the village as they have to reroute and the shops and businesses are really struggling. I ask the County Council, that I am and honorary Alderman for, to reassess their timetable and get the bridge fiasco sorted ASAP as some of these closures may NEVER re-open and we would have a ghost town never to be replaced.

  2. get your finger out and do the job or open the road and support the local business`s, always the same is it not, you will do as I say, you are the minnions and I am the power to support or crush, we can all see they intend to crush, what feeble excuse will they use I wonder, I think if they are not capable of carrying out a job after 12 + months they should be sacked and their jobs given to some one who will ensure the job gets done.

  3. This is ridiculous open the bridge asap there is less and less people coming into leadgate the busses are a nightmare and don’t come on time it’s a nuisance for the members of the public who live in leadgate who have to go through the diversions bring back the bridge

  4. This is so true, it is ridiculous the way this has gone on for nothing, it needs sorted, and fast.

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